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Private Tuition (2 or more students)

Private Tuition (2 or more students)


The small group tuitions are tailored to accommodate the needs of 2 or more people. This is an efficient way to help small groups of students/friends/associates improve their Chinese communication ability as well as to prepare them for the HSK exams.

These classes cost only £15 per person per hour. The first block of small group lessons must be purchased as a block of at least 10 hours. After which, lessons can be bought in blocks of 5 hours.

Please note, students must form their small group themselves. 

Please contact  to confirm availability prior to making your payment online.

HSK Language Courses – Small group tuition (2 or more people) 10 HOURS


HSK Language Courses – Small group tuition (2 or more people) 5 HOURS
